Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Often we easily get upset with failures not realizing the fact that they bring with it new possibilities for learning and betterment. It is significant that we realize the acceptance of failures and to look at them as learning possibilities - a pre-requisite that distinguishes a successful person from a mediocre.

Keep Going
Never Quit - Keep Going

Most of the successful people in the past have failed numerous times only to succeed. History shows us that "Never Give Up" was the only mantra they kept reciting. Next time you get upset with obstacles and failures, just consider thinking about them. These 5 famous failures found their way to success and will inspire you to keep going when the going get's tough.

Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of United States 
1. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Before being elected as the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln's story was all about struggles and disasters. Born to a poor family in Kentucky, Lincoln had to go through all the toils and perils of poverty. Nevertheless, he went on the become a lawyer in Illinois. His life was full of struggle for more than 40 years and had almost failed in everything that he had taken - jobs, business, political career, elections. He had lost almost 8 elections before he went on to become the President. But his never quit attitude is the reason that made him the greatest President in the history of the United States.

Some quotes by Abraham Lincoln -
  • " I am a slow walker, but I never walk back."
  • " Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."

albert einstein
Albert Einstein - the greatest scientist
2. ALBERT EINSTEIN. who is considered the greatest scientist and an influential modern physicist, had to go through a struggling childhood and career phase of his life.  During his childhood, Einstein had difficulties speaking fluently and was considered by his teachers to be a slow learner. He had to wait for almost 8 years to get his first professorship. A creative genius who faced difficulties in his childhood and career phase later went on to discover many theories and inventions  like the general theory of relativity and the propounder of the equation - E  = mc

Some quotes by Albert Einstein -
  • " Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."
  • " I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."
  • " Weakness of attitude becomes the weakness of character."
  • " The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

beethoven - the greatest composer 
3. LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN.  The greatest musician of all time, Beethoven is the most respected composer of all time. Starting from his childhood, he had been subjected to violence and punishments. Beethoven was harshly punished by his own father so that he practices correctly. He was considered to be worthless by his teachers in school and also was subjected to severe criticism in social circles for being untidy. Even his first on-stage performance was criticised by many people to be naive. But that didn't stop him. He went to give his best compositions history could ever have, titled as 'Beethoven's symphony'.

Some quotes by Ludwig Van Beethoven -
  • " Only the pure in heart can make a good soup."
  • " Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy."
  • " Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life."

Winston Churchill - The powerful Prime Minister of United States (1951 -1955)
4. WINSTON CHURCHILL. Winston Churchill, who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1951 - 1955 had to face many failures and setbacks before he went on to become the Prime Minister. During his childhood and schooling, it is said that he was poor in his studies and teachers often complained that he was punctual and mischevious.  He had a series of failures in everything that he did - losing elections, losing a war to the Germany for which he was responsible. In spite of numerous failures, he is still considered to be the greatest leader of the 20th century.

Some Quotes by Winston Churchill -
  • "Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."
  • " A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

charles darwin
Charles Robert Darwin - The influential scientist of the 19th century
5. CHARLES DARWIN. Born to a wealthy medical practitioner, he was expected to pursue the dreams and aspirations of his father. During his schooling, he showed no interest in studies. He writes - " The school as a means of education was a blank. I learned absolutely nothing." Failing to pursue his father's aspiration to take up medicine as a career, he was a constantly ridiculed. His father considered him to be a disgrace to himself and to the entire family. Darwin's curiosity about nature and species pushed him to change his career path. He decided to explore his interest in the study of species and was successful in developing a theory called "The theory of Evolution". Having many more contributions to his name, Darvin is considered as the most influential scientists of the 19th Century.

Some Quotes by Charles Darwin - 
  • " A Man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."
  • " To kill an error is as good a service as, and sometimes even better than, the establishing of a new truth or fact."
These personalities and their struggles to achieve successes were not so easy, but they made their journey possible. They finally did succeed. Whenever you get depressed and frustrated about failures, it's time to think about them and take them as inspiration to keep going.

The world is full of inspiration. It's spread everywhere. If you have such inspiring stories, Do share with us in the comment section. Share this post, Let's make this world a place of Inspiration. 

Friday, July 6, 2018


What is Stress?
Stress generally occurs when an individual perceives that there is a disequilibrium between the demands placed upon him and his inability to fulfill those demands. It can also occur as a consequence of any change or alteration in regular functioning of body, mind, and emotions. Challenging tasks, roles and responsibilities, goals and objectives at a workplace; Demanding needs, fulfilling expectations and commitments in relationships, family settings; Expectations to adhere to social objectives and roles in a larger social setting etc. are the reasons behind the stress.

Why manage Stress?
Psychologists assert that minimum stress levels among the individuals are essential. They believe it to be the driving force to get things done. However, if the stress keeps increasing and when it finally becomes an inherent character of an individual, it’s time to find an effective approach to deal with it. Excessive stress is the root causes of serious health conditions - physical, mental and emotional. It's essential to identify the causes of stress and then design a strategy to manage and control stress to lead a healthy, happy and purposeful life.

Symptoms of Stress: Some of the common symptoms include:

A headache
Reduced mental clarity
Dark Circles
Greying hair
Panic Attack
Heart diseases
Migraine attack

8 Quick Tips to Beat Stress:
Here are 8 quick Tips that can help you beat stress

1. Meditation. Meditation is the ultimate solution to any psychic problem. It sounds challenging for many to start meditating. But, it’s the simple and yet effective approach to relax yourselves. You don’t have to sit for hours to meditate. Initiate with small steps but be consistent. Start with 2 minutes and gradually keep increasing as you progress. Sit down comfortably, relax and start breathing. As you inhale imagine the intake of positive energy like love, happiness, and gratitude reaching every cell of your body. And as you exhale imagine the negative energy like doubt, self-criticism, anger, regret etc. releasing out of you.

2. Music. Music has the power to heal instantaneously. It relaxes both your mind and body. Songs that are slow in tempo and have a soothing melody are believed to have a calming effect on your brain. However, you are at liberty to choose your favorite track or music. Just plug in and enjoy keeping all your thoughts aside.

3. Cooking. You should definitely try this. It’s not necessary for you to be a chef or cook. Do you require a degree to get into your own kitchen? Certainly not! Get into the kitchen, put on your apron and start experimenting. Be innovative and let the creativity reach its new peak in inventing something new. And you can always give it a name and credit for your recipe.

4. Hug your pet. Having a pet at home is a blessing in disguise. Trust me your pet is your healer. Just give it a big hug and see how it uplifts your mood instantly. These healers take away all the negativity out of you and give you unconditional love in return. Highly recommended!

5. Get some inspiration. Where can you get inspiration from?.. From everywhere. Get some books out of your cupboard, dust them and grab it with a cup of cappuccino. Go online for some inspiring reads. Tune into YouTube for inspiration. Talk to people who support and encourage you. Ask them. Listen to their story and take inspiration.

6. Go for a run. When you feel completely indecisive, here’s a fix - Put on your track shoes, rock on your earpods with some foot-tapping numbers and go for a run. Ask yourself how you felt after the run.

7. Affirmations. Using affirmations repeatedly have a positive change in mindset. Just keep saying it to yourself “I am optimistic,” “I am Infinite,” “I am capable enough,” “ I am the creator of my life,” “I am happy and successful. I achieve what I want.” 

8. Count your blessings. Next time when you feel stressed about something, just close your eyes and keep counting all the goodness you are blessed with. From the bottom of your heart, Thank the Universe for blessing you with all the abundance in your life. And You’ll almost be in a different dimension by then.

And these few quotes will surely make you think twice before you get irritated with stress.

  • Adopting a right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.” - Hans selye
  • “ The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over the other.” -William James.
  • “ God will never give you anything you can’t handle. So don’t stress.” - Kelly Clarkson
  • “ It’s not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.” - Bruce Lee

“Most of the problems the globe encounters emerge from stress. Let’s make this beautiful garden of our’s Pacific” - Naveen Joshi

Share the post and spread the message of peace.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


By affirmations, what I mean is - Breaking that programmed negative belief residing in us, by replacing it with strong and provoking words and sentences, intending at transforming your life in a purposeful and successful direction. In short, affirmations mean – the use of Positive Words and Sentences to make life positive, successful and meaningful. Affirmations are positive words that can be used to manifest whatever you desire, be it - wealth, career, relationships, dreams etc.. 

Regularly affirming yourself with positive words and sentences- rewires your brain with a positive attitude. Here are few tips on how to make the best use of affirmations:


1 Initiate with Belief: Start with nothing but just belief as a prerequisite to manifest what you desire. It is essential that you believe in you and your trust the Universe and its power in manifesting what you desire. Initiating anything with doubt and skepticism will never give you a positive outcome, so all you need is Just Belief to start with. 

2. Make a Wish: To receive something that you have always dreamt of, it’s imperative that you ask. What is that you actually want to manifest? What’s your Burning Desire? What do you actually want to accomplish? Make a wish to Universe with utmost faith. Don’t be timorous. You deserve everything that’s top-notch and magnificent.  Never shy to ask for what you want. Just make a Wish!

    3. Choose words wisely. Words have a profound impact on our lives. All that we are today is the result of the words – Spoken, written and thought. Use Sentences containing positive words. Why do you have to think about something that you don’t need? Focus only on what you want. Make it clear and compelling in terms of figures, numbers, size, quantity etc. Be very specific.

4. Consistency is the Key: The reason why the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for many people is the lacking consistency in the usage. Be consistent with your approach and methodology. Law of attraction works, it takes time to manifest. Patience is the key to hold. Regularly use Affirmations and use visualization technique to speed up the manifestation process.

1    5. Count your blessings. Be thankful for everything that you have in your life right now. The universe likes speed and it responds quickly in manifesting for people who have the attitude of gratitude.


1. I am like a magnet that keeps attracting money.
2. Every minute of my day keeps attracting more and more money.
3. Money gets easily multiplied every time I think of money.
4. I am open to different sources of earning money.
5. Earning money is so easy and effortless
6. I am always in a receiving mode to different sources of money.
7. Money that I earn makes me so happy and the feeling of happiness multiplies more money.
8. I am the master of my destiny.
9. My investments are always profitable and I receive multi-fold returns on my investments.
10. There is more and more money that is continuously flowing into my life.
11. My Bank Accounts are always multiplied by the abundance of deposits.
12. There is more money being printed for me.
13. I rejoice my victories and earnings.
14. I utilize my money to lead a happy and purposeful life.
15. Every idea that I think of creates a revenue generating platform.
16. I attract people in my life who are positive and wealthy.
17. I attract the sources that make my money multiplied.
18. All my needs are met, even before I think about it.
19. I live in a place surrounded by prosperity.
20. The universe is full of abundance and I am part of it.
21. I love money and money keeps flowing to me.
22. My wallet is filled with currencies and cards.
23. My actions create multiple sources for earning money.
24. My businesses get profitable and I keep expanding it.

These Affirmations can really help manifest whatever you wish in life. Provided that you hold a strong belief in it's functioning and ensuring that you rejoice the process and express the attitude of gratitude.

- Feel free to use the images as flashcards whenever you feel it.
- Save them. Look at them daily. Repeat as many times as you could.
- Wishing you all the luck and sending best wishes in your manifestation process.


Often we easily get upset with failures not realizing the fact that they bring with it new possibilities for learning and betterment. It i...