Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Friday, July 6, 2018


What is Stress?
Stress generally occurs when an individual perceives that there is a disequilibrium between the demands placed upon him and his inability to fulfill those demands. It can also occur as a consequence of any change or alteration in regular functioning of body, mind, and emotions. Challenging tasks, roles and responsibilities, goals and objectives at a workplace; Demanding needs, fulfilling expectations and commitments in relationships, family settings; Expectations to adhere to social objectives and roles in a larger social setting etc. are the reasons behind the stress.

Why manage Stress?
Psychologists assert that minimum stress levels among the individuals are essential. They believe it to be the driving force to get things done. However, if the stress keeps increasing and when it finally becomes an inherent character of an individual, it’s time to find an effective approach to deal with it. Excessive stress is the root causes of serious health conditions - physical, mental and emotional. It's essential to identify the causes of stress and then design a strategy to manage and control stress to lead a healthy, happy and purposeful life.

Symptoms of Stress: Some of the common symptoms include:

A headache
Reduced mental clarity
Dark Circles
Greying hair
Panic Attack
Heart diseases
Migraine attack

8 Quick Tips to Beat Stress:
Here are 8 quick Tips that can help you beat stress

1. Meditation. Meditation is the ultimate solution to any psychic problem. It sounds challenging for many to start meditating. But, it’s the simple and yet effective approach to relax yourselves. You don’t have to sit for hours to meditate. Initiate with small steps but be consistent. Start with 2 minutes and gradually keep increasing as you progress. Sit down comfortably, relax and start breathing. As you inhale imagine the intake of positive energy like love, happiness, and gratitude reaching every cell of your body. And as you exhale imagine the negative energy like doubt, self-criticism, anger, regret etc. releasing out of you.

2. Music. Music has the power to heal instantaneously. It relaxes both your mind and body. Songs that are slow in tempo and have a soothing melody are believed to have a calming effect on your brain. However, you are at liberty to choose your favorite track or music. Just plug in and enjoy keeping all your thoughts aside.

3. Cooking. You should definitely try this. It’s not necessary for you to be a chef or cook. Do you require a degree to get into your own kitchen? Certainly not! Get into the kitchen, put on your apron and start experimenting. Be innovative and let the creativity reach its new peak in inventing something new. And you can always give it a name and credit for your recipe.

4. Hug your pet. Having a pet at home is a blessing in disguise. Trust me your pet is your healer. Just give it a big hug and see how it uplifts your mood instantly. These healers take away all the negativity out of you and give you unconditional love in return. Highly recommended!

5. Get some inspiration. Where can you get inspiration from?.. From everywhere. Get some books out of your cupboard, dust them and grab it with a cup of cappuccino. Go online for some inspiring reads. Tune into YouTube for inspiration. Talk to people who support and encourage you. Ask them. Listen to their story and take inspiration.

6. Go for a run. When you feel completely indecisive, here’s a fix - Put on your track shoes, rock on your earpods with some foot-tapping numbers and go for a run. Ask yourself how you felt after the run.

7. Affirmations. Using affirmations repeatedly have a positive change in mindset. Just keep saying it to yourself “I am optimistic,” “I am Infinite,” “I am capable enough,” “ I am the creator of my life,” “I am happy and successful. I achieve what I want.” 

8. Count your blessings. Next time when you feel stressed about something, just close your eyes and keep counting all the goodness you are blessed with. From the bottom of your heart, Thank the Universe for blessing you with all the abundance in your life. And You’ll almost be in a different dimension by then.

And these few quotes will surely make you think twice before you get irritated with stress.

  • Adopting a right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.” - Hans selye
  • “ The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over the other.” -William James.
  • “ God will never give you anything you can’t handle. So don’t stress.” - Kelly Clarkson
  • “ It’s not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.” - Bruce Lee

“Most of the problems the globe encounters emerge from stress. Let’s make this beautiful garden of our’s Pacific” - Naveen Joshi

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