Showing posts with label law of attraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label law of attraction. Show all posts

Sunday, July 1, 2018


By affirmations, what I mean is - Breaking that programmed negative belief residing in us, by replacing it with strong and provoking words and sentences, intending at transforming your life in a purposeful and successful direction. In short, affirmations mean – the use of Positive Words and Sentences to make life positive, successful and meaningful. Affirmations are positive words that can be used to manifest whatever you desire, be it - wealth, career, relationships, dreams etc.. 

Regularly affirming yourself with positive words and sentences- rewires your brain with a positive attitude. Here are few tips on how to make the best use of affirmations:


1 Initiate with Belief: Start with nothing but just belief as a prerequisite to manifest what you desire. It is essential that you believe in you and your trust the Universe and its power in manifesting what you desire. Initiating anything with doubt and skepticism will never give you a positive outcome, so all you need is Just Belief to start with. 

2. Make a Wish: To receive something that you have always dreamt of, it’s imperative that you ask. What is that you actually want to manifest? What’s your Burning Desire? What do you actually want to accomplish? Make a wish to Universe with utmost faith. Don’t be timorous. You deserve everything that’s top-notch and magnificent.  Never shy to ask for what you want. Just make a Wish!

    3. Choose words wisely. Words have a profound impact on our lives. All that we are today is the result of the words – Spoken, written and thought. Use Sentences containing positive words. Why do you have to think about something that you don’t need? Focus only on what you want. Make it clear and compelling in terms of figures, numbers, size, quantity etc. Be very specific.

4. Consistency is the Key: The reason why the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for many people is the lacking consistency in the usage. Be consistent with your approach and methodology. Law of attraction works, it takes time to manifest. Patience is the key to hold. Regularly use Affirmations and use visualization technique to speed up the manifestation process.

1    5. Count your blessings. Be thankful for everything that you have in your life right now. The universe likes speed and it responds quickly in manifesting for people who have the attitude of gratitude.


1. I am like a magnet that keeps attracting money.
2. Every minute of my day keeps attracting more and more money.
3. Money gets easily multiplied every time I think of money.
4. I am open to different sources of earning money.
5. Earning money is so easy and effortless
6. I am always in a receiving mode to different sources of money.
7. Money that I earn makes me so happy and the feeling of happiness multiplies more money.
8. I am the master of my destiny.
9. My investments are always profitable and I receive multi-fold returns on my investments.
10. There is more and more money that is continuously flowing into my life.
11. My Bank Accounts are always multiplied by the abundance of deposits.
12. There is more money being printed for me.
13. I rejoice my victories and earnings.
14. I utilize my money to lead a happy and purposeful life.
15. Every idea that I think of creates a revenue generating platform.
16. I attract people in my life who are positive and wealthy.
17. I attract the sources that make my money multiplied.
18. All my needs are met, even before I think about it.
19. I live in a place surrounded by prosperity.
20. The universe is full of abundance and I am part of it.
21. I love money and money keeps flowing to me.
22. My wallet is filled with currencies and cards.
23. My actions create multiple sources for earning money.
24. My businesses get profitable and I keep expanding it.

These Affirmations can really help manifest whatever you wish in life. Provided that you hold a strong belief in it's functioning and ensuring that you rejoice the process and express the attitude of gratitude.

- Feel free to use the images as flashcards whenever you feel it.
- Save them. Look at them daily. Repeat as many times as you could.
- Wishing you all the luck and sending best wishes in your manifestation process.

Sunday, June 24, 2018


You probably have read many posts, stories, and books on the law of attraction and yet you struggle to find, "Why it doesn't work for you?" AN inner-voice keeps whimpering most of the time, "Why the law of attraction doesn't work for you"? 

Relax! You don't have to be on pins and needles, trying to figure out the reasons you weren't successful. Take a load off, let your hair down and just go ahead.

1. BELIEF - Start with Just it: 

You have access to tons of information about the law of attraction everywhere – on the web, blogs; in community forums, groups, workshops and training sessions. It’s not a secret anymore, people have access to information. With the vast source of information available, it should make the life easier, but in vain.

You got to believe before you receive. You got to apply before you believe.”

“Knowledge is power” – is a powerful proverb. We have seen this written on top of our boards in our schools. We were taught that knowledge is the only required criteria to be successful in life.
Yes, it is but that’s only half true. Knowledge is essential, a source to begin for everything you wanted to accomplish. But knowledge without desire and belief can’t take you places.

2. MINDSET - Something to consider changing:

 The reason why many people fail in spite of access to these life-changing secret strategies is our restrictive mindset. Our mindset which is the result of – (i) our bringing and social conditioning; (ii) excessive emphasis on logical knowledge devoid of human emotional factors like desire and belief.

I was introduced to the movie “the secret” by a friend. He gave me a brief description about the movie and I wasn’t even able to convince myself to give 2 hours of my time to watch it, believing that it was just a fancy movie with some course on positivity containing some inspiring stories for life success. I wasn’t convinced at that time, because I was busy running after logical ways to get a job and earning money was my only goal. 

During my, M.B.A Course we were trained with the following objectives – to get a job with a multi-national company and to earn bigger. I was successful in achieving those objectives. I wasn’t happy though. A self-realization, however, made an impact. It warned me not to go with the wind and made me realize the true purpose of my life. My realizations to looking at life from a different perspective lead me in a new direction.

I began gathering information about the law of attraction. Read many books on the law of attraction, read many life-changing stories and also watched the movie “the secret”, I then decided to try with few techniques and to my surprise, I was successful in many cases. Over the period of time, I realized that – “Knowledge is essential, but you also have to combine knowledge with human emotional factors like desire and belief. That’s how manifestations happen.

3. REALISATION: Leveraging Knowledge with Belief and Desire:   

Learning about the law of attraction is just (i) “Knowledge” – To use the benefits of quantum physics, you must have the desire to use it and have a strong belief in the processing mechanism.

To use it and manifest in your life, you must inculcate emotional factors like (ii) Desire to manifest something and (iii) belief in the process that makes it possible to manifest.

4. AFFIRMATIONS  – Catalyst for Manifestation:

Using Affirmations to achieve to achieve wealth is a powerful way to manifest rapidly. Provided that, you got to believe and feel deeply as if you already have it.
These affirmations can change the way you think about yourself and redirects you to a completely different path. You probably have a lot of negative self-talk about yourself every day. You have developed that pattern over the years. It’s time to rewire your brain. Replace every word that reads “I Can’t” with “I Can”; “I am not” with “I am”. Do this repeatedly.

Every word of the affirmative sentence has to be felt deeply as if you already have it an by expressing the gratitude toward the Universe for giving it to you.

Summing up with some quotes on the law of attraction:
  • All that we are is the result of what we have thought" - Buddha.
  • " What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" -  Mark 11:24
  • " Whatever the Mind can conceive it can achieve" - W. Clement Stone.
  • " You create your own Universe as you go along" - Winston Churchill


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