Friday, May 25, 2018


The attitude of Gratitude is the best attitude that can transform your life in every area. Being thankful for everything that you have can boost your day with enthusiasm, passion, happiness and with more of energy and compassion.

Here are few tips that I use to make my day more meaningful and productive.

  1. Early to bed early to rise: It is not the afternoons or evenings that alters into a new day. It's the night that alters into a new day. By staying up late at night you speed up the aging process and eventually when you end up waking late, you are actually missing out the fresh hours that can be used for many productive things. As Benjamin Franklin quotes "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise".
  2. Meditation: Practicing meditation regularly for at least 20 minutes a day can bring a lot of changes in your lifestyle. It boosts the creative thinking patterns and improves concentration. It relaxes the brain and reduces the stress. There are many lessons and free tutorials on the web that teach basic levels of meditation. One simple technique that I follow is focusing on my breath while inhaling and exhaling. I was skeptical but started with 2 to 3 minutes and then slowly I kept pushing my limits every week. Trust me, this is time taking but It has tremendous changes in your mental health.
  3. Stretching: Few minutes of stretching every day has enormous health benefits in the long-run. It helps in performing physical activities of the day easily without the risk of injuries. I stretch for about 5 minutes a day and that helps me keep my body flexible and active in daily physical activities. 
  4. Cold Showers: I started including this in my daily regime and I must say that the results are amazing. Taking cold showers releases the stress in the body and improves blood circulation. This is something you should definitely include. 
  5. Digital Disconnect: Excessive usage of gadgets, Television, mobile, wifi etc. can take away most of your productive time. Turn them off! Read a book, visit your friend, clean up your space instead. Digital Disconnect doesn't mean to turn them off completely. Just 2 hours of digital disconnect can give you so much of things to do in life.
  6. Me time - Your time: Take few minutes of your entire day to do whatever you love to do. 10 - 15 minutes of your 'me time' can actually increase your happiness and improve mental health. I use this 15 minutes of 'me time' to watch a youtube video, or by reading a blog, or post a facebook status or just to text or call a dear friend. 
  7. Clean up your space/junk: Take few minutes to clean your desk, table, computer, email, messages etc. Replying to texts, messages, and organizing schedules, emails, tracking habit lists, working/looking into the areas that require improvements. I use this time to organize my computer table, checking notifications, replying to them and deleting un-necessary ones, organizing emails and tracking habit lists.
  8. Say No to Multi-tasking. Pay attention to tasks individually: I know multi-tasking has been the need of the hour, but various research shows that multi-tasking doesn't bring out the exact attention and alertness required for doing a specific task. Doing these tasks individually saves your time by not spending an extra effort and time to rectify something as a result of multi-tasking.
  9. Learn something new every day: This is the best part! You don't have to fix a schedule to learn something. Let the learning be a continuous affair. Walking down the streets, you might learn something by looking at some hoardings or a scroll. Talking to someone, you might learn something maybe a quality that you might want to develop, a habit or a language. Playing with your kids, you learn how to be joyful and happy all the time. Spending time with your friends, family, and colleagues can give you many insights for learning possibilities. You just have to keep yourself open for every learning opportunity and believe me there are infinite 
  10. Prioritizing tasks - Make a To-do List: Prioritizing tasks can make your day more effective. Prioritizing tasks help in identifying which tasks are immediate/urgent and which are the ones that can be scheduled for a later time. There are many apps available on play store and ios that help in priortizing tasks. These apps help me to prioritize what important tasks are. They notify me with required immediate attention and action and once I am done with them, I simply swipe them up with a sense of content.
Conclusion: These tips (Except tip 1) aren't time bound and can be planned/done as per the convenience. These are not exhaustive but they worked for me and I hope they work for you as well.

Feel free to share your comments and thoughts on this article. Since this is my first article, I would really be happy to hear from you. 

Blessed Day!


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